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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

Factors that cause high blood fat

Factors that cause high blood fat Current lifestyles that increase the risk of high blood fat include: How to control blood fat If you want to keep your blood fat levels in a safe range, you can follow these recommendations: There are 4 types of

5 benefits to reduce sugar addiction and help balance your life

5 benefits to reduce sugar addiction and help balance your life 1. Reduce sugar, good for the “skin” One of the benefits of reducing sugar that shows the fastest results is better skin health. Because sugar or sweetness is one of the causes of skin

How to choose bed sheets without making mistakes

Share tips on how to choose bed sheets without making mistakes and getting a comfortable night’s sleep. Choosing bed sheets is just as important as the quality of the mattress. Today, bed sheets come in a variety of fabrics, patterns, and prices. So, which type

Is coconut milk good for diabetes?

Is coconut milk good for diabetes? Coconut milk is a creamy, rich liquid extracted from the grated flesh of mature coconuts, typically found in tropical regions. It is made by blending the coconut meat with water and then straining the mixture to separate the liquid

Benefits of Cabbage

Benefits of Cabbage The benefits of cabbage that should not be overlooked. Cabbage is a vegetable that we consume daily, whether it is mixed with curry or eaten with savory dishes, such as papaya salad, larb, or boiled and eaten with chili paste. It is