5 benefits to reduce sugar addiction and help balance your life
5 benefits to reduce sugar addiction and help balance your life

1. Reduce sugar, good for the “skin”
One of the benefits of reducing sugar that shows the fastest results is better skin health. Because sugar or sweetness is one of the causes of skin problems, including premature wrinkles, skin inflammation, and acne, etc. Because sugar is what causes the glycation process in the body. If we eat foods that are high in sugar, this glycogen process will stimulate the elastin and collagen proteins that are responsible for making the skin firm and elastic, to be destroyed or deteriorated.
As a result, the skin deteriorates faster. The skin therefore has wrinkles, is dull, and looks older than its age. It also affects acne because the sugar that the body does not burn off will be accumulated in the form of body fat and stimulate the skin to produce more oil, which is the cause of acne. Therefore, reducing sugar will help slow down skin deterioration, make the skin look younger, more elastic, and the skin will look smooth from the inside out. The skin will return to being bright and clear, and the amount of acne or inflammation will decrease. In addition, you can also take care of your skin health with facial and body care products. Shop easily at Lotus’s Shop Online.
2. Reduce sugar, good for the “brain”
Eating foods with sugar often until the blood sugar level is high for a long time will cause the blood to carry less oxygen to the brain. The blood vessels in the brain will start to become inflamed, damaged, brain cells will die, which may lead to brain atrophy, memory loss, or Alzheimer’s in the future.
It also affects the levels of hormones and various chemicals in the body and has a negative effect on memory and brain function in many ways, such as affecting sleep and waking up, such as difficulty sleeping, not sleeping soundly, sleeping and waking up at night, or waking up groggy and not refreshed, etc. In addition, eating sucrose or granulated sugar will cause the body to send more amino acids call tryptosan into the brain.
3. Reduce sugar, good for the “heart”
The amount of sugar we consume is related to the level of triglycerides, which is a type of fat in the blood. If triglycerides are high, it will increase the risk of heart disease. Eating too much sugar will cause the pancreas to produce more insulin than necessary and remain in the bloodstream.
4. Reduce sugar, good for “weight and shape”
Sugar is a carbohydrate with high calories but low nutritional value. Of course, reducing sugar consumption will help reduce the amount of calories received per day, which helps reduce body weight. But importantly, it also helps our figure look better. Because the sugar that we eat too much and do not burn off completely, the body will store it in the liver in the form of glycogen and will be sent as fatty acids to accumulate in the abdomen, double chin, buttocks, hips, upper arms or thighs, etc., which is at risk of obesity or other health problems.
Moreover, foods high in sugar tend to cause blood sugar levels to spike.
Which will make us feel hungrier more often, want to eat sweets and increase the amount we eat. Therefore, our weight will increase faster than usual. Therefore, when we reduce sugar and control our calorie intake, the body will not accumulate more fat. It will switch to take the accumulated fat and burn it as energy, reducing body fat. Therefore, it helps reduce our weight, increase muscle mass, and make our figure more proportionate.
5. Reduce sugar, good for “mood”
Many people like to eat sugar because the sweet taste stimulates us to feel relaxed and alert after eating sugar. In the short term, sugar can temporarily reduce the hormone cortisol (a hormone that is released when feeling stressed). But when the sugar level drops, it will cause mood swings or fluctuations. You may feel more tired or stressed than before.
And can lead to irritation, anxiety, depression, and irritability. Therefore, if we reduce sugar, it will help balance the sugar level, https://ufabet999.app maintain and reduce blood sugar levels to be stable. The body system will adjust to use energy from fat instead. Allowing the body to receive and use energy consistently throughout the day. Therefore, it helps maintain a stable mood, clear mind, more focus, stable and balanced mood, and stronger mental health in the long term.