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Jesse Lingard Did not receive any offers from West Ham

England attacking midfielder Jesse Lingard Did not receive any offers All on the last day of the summer market because West Ham have withdrawn their interest.

According to The Telegraph, West Ham United have refused to pay Lingard’s £30million asking price. The reason is not because of lack of resources. But because the players left the last year’s contract with the agency. The set value therefore doesn’t make much sense.

West Ham have turned their final day’s focus to Nicola Vlasic and have been able to sign a five-year contract with the Croatia attacking midfielder for £25m paid by CSKA. Moscow

For Lingard will be a patient substitute in Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s team this season after the arrival of Cristiano Ronaldo, meanwhile, Manchester United will offer a new contract. Players will continue to consider. Otherwise, the 28-year-old midfielder will be lost for free at the end of the season.